The following is a sampling of ministries and events that take place at our parish.
Music Ministry
Be a part of one of our choirs or use your talents as an instrumentalist or cantor.  Click here to learn more.


The rosary is recited every Tuesday at church. All are welcome to join each and every week they are available to come.


Stitchery Group
The Stitchery Group meets each Thursday afternoon in the Church Narthex. Bring your crocheting or knitting and join the group.

Church Narthex

Parish Council Meeting
Our Parish Council gathers quarterly.

St. Angela Room

Building Community & Fellowship
Organizations from the parish help with the preparation and serving of coffee and doughnuts after Mass one weekend each month, September through May, in the Narthex of the Church. Stop by after Mass and visit while enjoying refreshments.
Church Narthex
ICC CCW Meeting
All women of the Parish are invited to the CCW (Council of Catholic Women) monthly meeting held on Sunday in the St. Angela Room of Immaculate Conception School. There will be no meetings in January, June, July or August.
St. Angela Room
Pro-Life Meeting
The Pro-Life group meets the third Friday of each month.  Everyone is welcome to attend to discuss the gift of life from conception to natural death.
Church Narthex
Men’s Club
The Men’s Club meeting on the second Monday of every month.  All men of Immaculate Conception are welcome.
Meeting location varies
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus meet on the third Thursday of every month. The meeting begins with a light dinner followed by the monthly meeting. All men of Immaculate Conception are welcome to attend.
Location varies, check our bulletin
Lenten Luncheon
St. Angela Room
Baptismal Preparation Class
Welcoming a child through birth or adoption is an act of faith, as well as an act of love. Call the Parish Office to get registered for the class.
Parish Office