Thank you to everyone who made time to fill out the campaign readiness assessment survey to help shape the future of Immaculate Conception Parish.  A total of 93 surveys were returned, representing 13% of active families.  On average, a survey generates up to 6% in returns, which means IC more than doubled the usual amount of returns.

What is your favorite thing about being a parishioner at Immaculate Conception? (below are the most common answers)

  • It feels like home; fellowship with other parishioners; it is like a family
  • Attending mass
  • The strong community and school
  • Our beautiful church

Proposed capital projects are listed below.  We would like to understand your feelings regarding the proposed projects.  Please rank the following in order of priority you would like to see them accomplished. 

1          Build New Parish Offices

2          Build Adoration Chapel

3          Install an Elevator to Make the Second Floor of the School Accessible

4          Build New Meeting Space

Note:  New parish offices were seen as the top priority, closely followed by building a new adoration chapel.

Do you feel IC parishioners would be willing to make financial gifts and/or pledges in a capital campaign in order to accomplish the $2,000,000 of projects listed above?

Yes – 83%                                          No – 17%

Note: Most of the respondents who answered “No” were uncertain what fellow parishioner abilities may be to support a campaign financially

Would you personally be willing to make a financial commitment to a capital campaign to help pay for the projects?

Yes – 91%                                          No – 9%

Note:  Over 90% of respondents said they would personally support a capital campaign with a financial gift.

Please offer any additional comments here:

One theme that came to light in the responses was that people wish more people came to mass and that the church was “fuller” on weekends.  People specifically said they would love to have more children at mass as they have an energy that keeps a parish vibrant.  During the coming weeks of preparation for Christmas, consider giving the gift of presence and invite neighbors and friends to join you in attending weekend mass.

The importance of the school was expressed multiple times.  People feel very strongly that the school is an essential part of parish life.

There is very strong support for building an adoration chapel.  Adoration chapels in other parishes attract faithful from many different areas and could help increase the number of people who attend weekend mass.

There is tremendous gratitude for having a Spanish mass.

New parish offices was seen as the top priority.  That said, some respondents said they were not sure of the need for new offices.  An “open house” to tour and see in person the offices may be helpful.

Communication is an area that respondents felt could be improved.  Parishioners would like more information regarding parish finances, activities and ministries.

There was interest in having the bulletin translated into Spanish, especially information regarding events, Father’s letter, mission trips, etc.

Some respondents asked that as new buildings are being considered, to also look at creating a “cry room” for the church.

There is a desire for more ministries, speakers and opportunities to socialize for young adults and young families.

Groups such as the Knights of Columbus and CCW are hoping more young people will join and help volunteer with parish activities.